On 19 Nov 2023 Sunday morning in India, The 72nd Miss Universe pageant has arrived and is taking place in El Salvador.

84 women are competing for the coveted title and to celebrate diversity and beauty beyond boundaries in Miss Universe 2023

The 72nd Miss Universe will be streamed at 8 pm ET in English on The Roku Channel The 72nd Miss Universe will be streamed at 8 pm ET in English on The Roku Channel

Rikkie Kollé is a 22-year-old model and LGBTQIA+ rights activist who beat nine other finalists to be crowned Miss Netherlands in July this year

Rikkie Kollé Became the second transgender person to compete in the Miss Universe pageant, following Angela Ponce, who represented Spain in 2018.

Kollé is a model who competed on “Holland's Next Top Model” and earlier in a video shared for the Voices for Change campaign,

She advocated for equality and is against bullying since she reportedly faced it due to her gender identity.

Before becoming Miss Netherlands, Kollé had highlighted the struggles Flight attendant Marina Machete won the 2023 Miss Portugal competition in October

She faced as a transgender in her life and said in a video, “Miss Universe asked us to describe ourselves in one word .

The word I’m choosing is ‘victory,’ because as a little boy I conquered all the things that came through my path — and look at me now, standing here as a strong, empowering and confident trans woman.”

Kollé wrote on Instagram after debuting at the Miss Universe competition, “I see you all, I love you all. And I hope we can stay strong together.”

viewers in India can watch it on the Miss Universe YouTube channel and its X account, as it started at 6:30 AM IST on Sunday, November 19.